Steve Robert Irwin - Online Memorial Website

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Steve Irwin
Born in Australia
44 years
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C.Bouguet My deepest condolences September 4, 2018

My condolences, as feelings of pain and bitterness become unbearable. It is my desire to convey a comforting thought based on the Holy Scriptures


  John 5:28 "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."



This passage speaks of the resurrection of our loved ones. It is not God's plan to see us suffer and die, so He extends the following invitation to us: "Come near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8)


Please go to the following link to obtain more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage and again we are sorry for your loss.

debbie terri irwin is a bitch April 28, 2010
terri stay away from steve irwin hes mine if i find out your with him in heaven i will kill you
debbie love April 28, 2010
my heart is broken my love will never see, my love to you will allways be from me i am with you darlingallways and for ever steve you will allways be my hero in my eyes please never forget me i will never forget youyour my true love give bindi and little bob ahug and kiss for me.i love you steve irwin  love debbie
Wilson Family Detroit Misses you!!!!! October 17, 2009
My kids and myself started watching you as soon as were on animal planet. To Terri cool hair , to Bindi being born, to the death of Suie, the birth of Bob, The death of Mary, the terriable accident of Steves mom , and so much more. I misss Steve energy, his passion, and everything else. Glad to see them put him back on TV. Your family is in our hearts. I always pray for the kids and the animals for they lost there dad as well as there best friend. Terri please keep his work going. When you did the follow of Steve footprints I lost it. Take care of yourself. Love you all.
mel RIP mate November 10, 2008

steve you will never leave my heart!!! since i was little i swore i would work beside you and terri not to mention bindi, bob and wes. when it came on the news you were dead it felt as if someone had reached in and ripped out my heart i cried and dident speak or eat for a least 3-4 day besides the odd glass of water. and even if i am only 12 i still to this day swear that i will work at australia zoo. and i can say that even if you are dead you still live on a great deal in my heart my mind and my soul im closer to you than i am a brother i saw you every day when i was on holidays for 3 weeks never formally met you but to see you in the flesh was good enough for me. so terri, bindi and bob i offer you my greatest condolences and i can tell the whole of bangor acemedy was not the same that day.RIP stevo mate                                                                mel

DodgeMan Peace May 27, 2008
To the entire Erwin Family...

My sincerest sympathy and prayers of peace and healing to you. May God lift your hearts and know that your dearest Steve is wrapped warmly in his arms.


DodgeMan... YWBB board member
Christy True Legend May 4, 2008
You were a legend all over the world.  I was fascinated by the work you did.  Rest In Peace you will never be forgotten.
Chaz The UK misses steve, we'll never forget him! February 9, 2008

Steve Irwin was a role model to everyone all over the world, showing and teaching people to after animals and the different types. He was a kind, sweet and selfless person. When i was younger i said i was going to work for him when i was older.


Time goes by

Life goes on

Sun rises and sets

But steve irwin is a man we'll never forget

Showing us about animals

Helping animals where ever possible

He died trying to help Sting Rays

He died doing what he loved best

We'll never forget Steve Irwin

Rest In Peace

On Behalf of everyone in the UK, we give the Irwin family our condelenses and love, for Steve we can thank him for being there for nature, animals and us, we owe him everything.

mustafa horatiu never forget who he was February 7, 2008
The romanian ''fans'' are crying and we are very sorry for his death. He was a very nice and good person. For him the wildlife,the ''australia zoo'', and his family were everything. He will never be forgotten, and i mean ''never'', he lives everywhere in the nature, in any live being. :(       :(        :(
debbie riskus saying good bye to steve irwin December 24, 2007
im very sad to herer about your death im going to miss you and i love you now and for ever love debby riskus green bay wi
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